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Six Robotics will industrialize Norwegian drone swarm technology
FFI: "We are in a technological race within drone technology. It is crucial that we stay alert and do not fall behind," says Jan Erik Torp, Deputy Director at FFI.
Norway is at the forefront of drone research
FFI: The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) has entered into a licensing agreement with Six Robotics for the further development and commercialization of the drone swarm Valkyrie.
Swarms of drones will become Norway's new weapon
NRK: Norwegian soldiers will, in a few years, defend the country with swarms of drones. Dozens of drones can be controlled by a single soldier.
One of the most important lessons from Ukraine
VG: In the air over the military exercise taking place in Finnmark, entirely new drone systems are being tested. This is something the military must invest more in, according to the Chief of Defence.
A drone swarm flew from a CV90 for the first time
Forsvarets forum: For the first time, the Armed Forces flew a drone swarm from the combat space using a CV90. Soon, autonomous systems may be part of the Army's spearhead.
Must protect against a swarm of drones
The Norwegian Armed Forces: A new and unknown weapon poses a significant threat to ground forces during the Nordic Response exercise. This is "Tomorrow’s combat unit."